So here I am at 18 weeks (about 3 weeks ago):

So here is what you have been doing for the last few weeks Miss Priss:

So the bottom line baby girl is that we are counting down the days until we get to see your sweet face. Your Daddy and I are SO in love with you!!!
- On June 30th we went to our ultrasound and the radiologist told us you were a GIRL!!! Mommy was so shocked and got tears in her eyes. I could not believe God had blessed me with a little girl of my own. I am still on cloud nine thinking about all of the fun we will have together. Daddy was SO happy and he thought you were a girl from the start...we both hugged and cried once the Dr. left the room. From that moment we knew our lives would never be the same...and your Daddy knew he was outnumbered!!!
- We gave you a name. At first we were going to keep your name a secret...but Aunt Michelle had already figured it out as we had told her last summer the names we liked for a girl and a boy...and wouldn't you know she remembered. So we decided to share your name with special family and friends. Your name is: Sayler Jaye Doss. I have liked the name Sayler since I read somewhere that Christy Brinkley's daughter was named Sailor. I just wasn't thrilled with the spelling so I switched it up a bit...both Daddy and I LOVE your name. Jaye is your middle name and it is precious to me. Mommy has a best friend that has been my best friend since I was a little girl. Her name is Johna Jaye...and God took her to heaven nearly 3 years ago. Mommy misses her SO much and wanted to give you a little piece of her...and hopefully some of her spunk (I may regret that statement in a few years :) I told Johna's Mom and sister Jess about your special middle name and they were thrilled. Everyone is just SO excited to meet you and see your sweet face.
- Kicking, kicking, kicking!!! I think you are going to be the next Shawn Johnson and bring home gold in gymnastics!!! Either that or a Rockette... Ha!!! Ever since about 16 weeks or so I have been feeling you kick...but I really didn't know in the beginning if it was you or just my wishful thinking. It would happen every few days and wasn't really very consistent. But ever since the Dr. told us you were a girl you have been kicking up a storm!!! Some days I swear you are trying to kick yourself out of there. You are the most active between noon and 4, and then in the evenings until about 9pm. Last Friday, I was laying on the couch and had my hand on my belly. You kicked so hard that I felt it from the inside and the outside. I sent Daddy a text and he was SO excited. Now he tries to feel your kicks too...but you decide not to perform whenever he puts his hand on Mommy's belly (this causes Mommy some concern as well...hoping these protests will not become regular occurrences when "you're on the outside" which is what Daddy says. I tell him that is what you say about prisoners that are released...but you can't tell him anything).
- You are already being spoiled. Mommy and Daddy bought your crib and nursery furniture last weekend and have put two pieces together. Hopefully the dresser will get put together without Mommy and Daddy wringing each others' necks...we did GREAT on the changing table and crib. We have also bought you so many cute outfits for next summer. All of the "summa clothes" are on sale right now and we are scooping them up. Grandma also bought you a diaper Genie and some sweet outfits. Aunt Vonnie had 2 outfits waiting for you was a cute duckie outfit that I can't wait to get you in. Grandma's good friend Jody Dworak made you the sweetest baby sling and diaper bag. The diaper bag had all of the pockets embroidered with their own label (diapers, wipes, ointments, extra outfits, etc.). It is the cutest thing ever!!! I just LOVE it!!! I also got to bring home some precious keepsakes that I asked for after your Great Grandma Marion passed away over 12 years ago. I knew someday I would have a baby girl...and I wanted to put these things in her nursery. I spent many hours of my childhood staring at the picture and basin set that my Grandma had in her home...and I wanted you to spend your childhood looking at them too.
Here are some pictures to show you how we are preparing for your arrival:
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