Here are some pictures of your birthday and your first days at home.
Mommy posing with you still in her belly the morning we left for the hospital.
Mommy and Daddy waiting for your arrival...I think I had the epidural at this point :)
After 13.5 hours of active labor you arrived!!! Mommy was so relieved to hear your loud cries.
Here you are letting everyone know that you mean business!!!
The Dr.'s checked you over and told us what we already were perfect.
Here is Dr. Livingston. He delivered you into the world and we love him for it!!!
Daddy went and spied on the nursery staff to make sure they were taking care of you and took this picture. He was protective of you from the very start.
Here you are in the hospital the morning after you were born...sleeping like an angel.
Mommy and Daddy took you home on November wore the sweater and bonnet that Mommy wore during her baptism when she was a baby. You looked so cute!!!
Fired Up...Ready To Go!!!
This is one of your most favorite places on earth...laying on Daddy's chest always puts you right to sleep.
Grandma and Grandpa got there on that same afternoon and this is a picture of the first time Grandma held you in her arms. She is head over heels in LOVE with you and was a great big help to Mommy and Daddy for the first 2 weeks you were home.
Daddy rocking you. You were so alert for the first time!!!
Mommy's precious little woman. How cute are you???
Lying on the changing table after your first sponge are not a fan of the bath, or having your diaper changed, or getting dressed. Basically anything that causes you to be cold makes you madder than a hornet!!!
Mommy and Grandma took you to your first Dr.'s appointment on Tuesday, December 1st. They said you had a touch of jaundice but it wasn't serious. They had to take a blood draw from your heel and it broke Mommy's heart to see you so upset. Everything else was perfect and you are a happy and healthy baby!!!
The Dr. said in order to get rid of the jaundice we needed to put you in the direct sunlight as much as possible. Grandma called this your "sun therapy" and here you are sunning yourself on her lap.
Look at my precious girl...I could just eat you up and I never get tired of looking at that face.
Again...your most favorite place on earth.
Our little razorback!!! That bow is bigger than your little peanut head!!!
Grandma took this picture of you on our bed and Grandma, Grandpa and Daddy all saved it as their screen saver. I think it is a pretty adorable picture of a pretty adorable baby.

Mommy found this photographer (Miss Amy) over a year prior to you being born. I knew that I wanted her to take your newborn pictures. So off we went on December 2nd to have your pictures taken...and guess what??? It snowed that morning!!! Can you believe it...snow in TX!!! You were SO good for the entire shoot and the pictures turned out AMAZING!!! But how could they be anything other than amazing with such a beautiful model? This picture took some time to get set up. Daddy is actually holding this basket up off the table while Miss Amy shoots the pictures. His arm was getting tired...but he toughed it out an we got a pretty fantabulous picture of you!!!

How precious is this shot of you resting on Daddy's arm? About 5 minutes later you peed all over his arm and the floor :) Oh well...

Mommy loves this one of you with those cheeks!!!

And this picture brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw it. You look like an angel here...and you truly are Mommy's angel.

I love the little folds you have around your belly are just delicious!!!
So what are you up to during these first few weeks? eat every 2.5 to 3 hours. And you take between 2 to 4 ounces depending on your mood :) Mommy is breastfeeding you and also supplementing with formula to make sure you are getting enough to eat. We took you to your 2 week well visit on December 4th and you weighed 8.75 lbs. and were 21.5 inches long. You gained almost a pound and grew an inch and a half!!! Mommy was happy and sad at the same she wants you to stop growing so fast!!!
You are a good sleeper but Mommy thinks you might have your days and nights mixed up a little bit, as you sleep a lot deeper and for longer stretches during the day and lighter/shorter at night. But that is OK...Mommy cherishes those nighttime feedings as we get to share some good old Mommy/daughter bonding time.
You LOVE to go out in the car and have gone out on 2 lunch dates already. One with Mommy and Grandma to Corner Bakery, and the other with Mommy, Daddy and Grandma to Applebee's. You were so good and did not make a peep during either lunch.
We are learning more and more about you every single minute and just love you to pieces Little Miss!!! We are looking forward to our trip to Omaha for Christmas on the 22nd to show you off. Everyone keeps telling us how beautiful you are. They have no idea exactly how beautiful until they see you in person.
I will love you forever Sayler Jaye,
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