Sexy Chucky

Wait what??? How on earth can you make Chucky sexy. It is a mass murdering doll for criminy's sake. Forgive me for not getting all hot and bothered!!!
Naughty Nun

Just trust me you really want to test Jesus with this? Nuff said.
Sassy Big Bird

OK some things are just sacred and I am not going to allow you to whore out Big Bird. I.WON'T.STAND.FOR.IT!!!
Sexy Spongebob deserve to get punched in the face for this ensemble. And maybe once in the stomach for good measure.
Sexy Miss Tater Tot

Stop it. There is NOTHING sexy about tater tots. Exhibit A:

Naughty Nemo

This almost makes the slutty Chucky look tame. So wrong in so many ways.
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